Plot Benefit/Risk Posterior Scores

# S3 method for brisk_br
plot(x, reference = NULL, ...)



output from a call to br() or mcda().


a string indicating which group is the reference group which is used to subtract scores from other groups.


additional arguments throw an error.


A ggplot object plotting the posterior densities of the weighted utility scores.

See also

Other plots: plot_utility()


ilogit <- function(x) 1 / (1 + exp(-x))
out <- mcda(
  benefit("CV", function(x) ilogit(x), weight = .75),
  risk("DVT", function(x) ilogit(- .5 * x), weight = .25),
    label = "PBO",
    CV = rnorm(1e4, .1),
    DVT = rnorm(1e4, .1)
    label = "TRT",
    CV = rnorm(1e4, 2),
    DVT = rnorm(1e4, 1)

#> # A tibble: 20,000 × 11
#>        CV CV_weight CV_uti…¹ CV_sc…²     DVT DVT_w…³ DVT_u…⁴ DVT_s…⁵ label  iter
#>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl> <chr> <int>
#>  1  1.47       0.75    0.813   0.610  0.439     0.25   0.445  0.111  PBO       1
#>  2  0.239      0.75    0.559   0.420 -2.12      0.25   0.743  0.186  PBO       2
#>  3  0.969      0.75    0.725   0.544  0.974     0.25   0.381  0.0951 PBO       3
#>  4  0.655      0.75    0.658   0.494  0.0771    0.25   0.490  0.123  PBO       4
#>  5  1.51       0.75    0.819   0.615 -0.993     0.25   0.622  0.155  PBO       5
#>  6 -1.32       0.75    0.210   0.158 -0.874     0.25   0.607  0.152  PBO       6
#>  7  0.395      0.75    0.598   0.448  1.03      0.25   0.375  0.0936 PBO       7
#>  8 -1.43       0.75    0.193   0.145 -0.903     0.25   0.611  0.153  PBO       8
#>  9  0.180      0.75    0.545   0.409 -0.685     0.25   0.585  0.146  PBO       9
#> 10 -0.960      0.75    0.277   0.208 -1.50      0.25   0.679  0.170  PBO      10
#> # … with 19,990 more rows, 1 more variable: total <dbl>, and abbreviated
#> #   variable names ¹​CV_utility, ²​CV_score, ³​DVT_weight, ⁴​DVT_utility,
#> #   ⁵​DVT_score

summary(out, probs = c(.025, .5, .975))
#> $summary
#> # A tibble: 2 × 5
#>   label  mean `2.50%` `50.00%` `97.50%`
#>   <chr> <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
#> 1 PBO   0.513   0.221    0.518    0.794
#> 2 TRT   0.728   0.472    0.752    0.857
#> $scores
#> # A tibble: 20,000 × 11
#>        CV CV_weight CV_uti…¹ CV_sc…²     DVT DVT_w…³ DVT_u…⁴ DVT_s…⁵ label  iter
#>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl> <chr> <int>
#>  1  1.47       0.75    0.813   0.610  0.439     0.25   0.445  0.111  PBO       1
#>  2  0.239      0.75    0.559   0.420 -2.12      0.25   0.743  0.186  PBO       2
#>  3  0.969      0.75    0.725   0.544  0.974     0.25   0.381  0.0951 PBO       3
#>  4  0.655      0.75    0.658   0.494  0.0771    0.25   0.490  0.123  PBO       4
#>  5  1.51       0.75    0.819   0.615 -0.993     0.25   0.622  0.155  PBO       5
#>  6 -1.32       0.75    0.210   0.158 -0.874     0.25   0.607  0.152  PBO       6
#>  7  0.395      0.75    0.598   0.448  1.03      0.25   0.375  0.0936 PBO       7
#>  8 -1.43       0.75    0.193   0.145 -0.903     0.25   0.611  0.153  PBO       8
#>  9  0.180      0.75    0.545   0.409 -0.685     0.25   0.585  0.146  PBO       9
#> 10 -0.960      0.75    0.277   0.208 -1.50      0.25   0.679  0.170  PBO      10
#> # … with 19,990 more rows, 1 more variable: total <dbl>, and abbreviated
#> #   variable names ¹​CV_utility, ²​CV_score, ³​DVT_weight, ⁴​DVT_utility,
#> #   ⁵​DVT_score
summary(out, reference = "PBO")
#> $summary
#> # A tibble: 1 × 5
#>   label  mean `2.50%` `97.50%` reference
#>   <chr> <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl> <chr>    
#> 1 TRT   0.215  -0.150    0.555 PBO      
#> $scores
#> # A tibble: 10,000 × 12
#>       CV CV_weight CV_utility CV_sc…¹    DVT DVT_w…² DVT_u…³ DVT_s…⁴ label  iter
#>    <dbl>     <dbl>      <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl> <chr> <int>
#>  1 1.01       0.75      0.733   0.550 0.381     0.25   0.453  0.113  TRT       1
#>  2 1.66       0.75      0.841   0.631 1.84      0.25   0.285  0.0713 TRT       2
#>  3 0.473      0.75      0.616   0.462 0.403     0.25   0.450  0.112  TRT       3
#>  4 2.59       0.75      0.930   0.698 0.0774    0.25   0.490  0.123  TRT       4
#>  5 2.39       0.75      0.916   0.687 2.47      0.25   0.225  0.0563 TRT       5
#>  6 2.43       0.75      0.919   0.689 1.08      0.25   0.368  0.0920 TRT       6
#>  7 1.58       0.75      0.828   0.621 2.02      0.25   0.267  0.0667 TRT       7
#>  8 3.10       0.75      0.957   0.718 1.04      0.25   0.373  0.0932 TRT       8
#>  9 3.48       0.75      0.970   0.728 0.644     0.25   0.420  0.105  TRT       9
#> 10 1.10       0.75      0.750   0.563 0.586     0.25   0.427  0.107  TRT      10
#> # … with 9,990 more rows, 2 more variables: total <dbl>, reference <chr>, and
#> #   abbreviated variable names ¹​CV_score, ²​DVT_weight, ³​DVT_utility, ⁴​DVT_score


plot(out, reference = "PBO")


plot_utility(out, reference = "PBO")

plot_utility(out, stacked = TRUE)